Another Scam: Will Republicans Fall for it Again? – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

After the Buffalo and Uvalde shootings, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called an emergency session of the House Judiciary Committee to push through a gun control law, this one named the “Protecting Our Kids Act” (POKA). A huge negative for this legislative proposal is that it will accomplish nothing in “protecting our kids” from crazies wielding a weapon. Even Democrat Rep. Jerrold Nadler, chairman of the committee, admitted it “wouldn’t accomplish much.”

The POKA outlaws “large-capacity” magazines (mags that hold over 5 rounds); establishes “safe storage” requirements (for firearms kept in the home); raises the age to purchase semi-auto rifles to 21 from the present 18 years-of-age; and bans bump stocks. There isn’t one specific in the bill that protects children from shooters at the school location or inside the building proper. Nothing to “harden” the target-rich environment made possible by the radicals’ foolhardy invitation, implied by their signs proclaiming “Gun Free Zones,” is found in the bill. No provision for the voluntary arming of qualified teachers or staff in the school or on its premises, or for the presence of armed guards, can be seen in this bill — only restrictions on the possession and use of firearms by law-abiding gun owners.

Republican Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, railed against the proposed bill, stating that Republican members of the committee weren’t allowed to read the bill or even asked for their input as the bill was being written. Jordan said it was just the first step in another attempt to ban firearms. Why are there so few perceptive Republican members of Congress who actually can identify and understand the evil objective of eventual gun confiscation by the Marxist-Democrats?

Several RINOs in the House will guarantee its passage and even before it hits the Senate there have been instructions from Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to two Republican senators we know of, Mike Braun of Indiana and John Cornyn of Texas, to work on “bipartisan” gun-control legislation and “find common ground.” No doubt several Senate Republicans will cave to the evil afoot, hopefully not enough to give Democrats the 60 votes they need to pass it. The track records of Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, and Lisa Murkowski come to mind. There will be other Republican senators who should be threatened with a trip to the Wood Shed if they side with evil intent toward the Second Amendment and the Constitution. If only Republicans had party leadership (in either chamber) that could handle it.

Spending an hour on the phone with a Republican representative’s chief of staff, attempting to convince him to get his boss off the ledge, making a bad decision on the eve of a floor vote in the House to raise the debt ceiling in 2011, is enough to drive one to drink. All the staff member could repeat, over and over, was the tiresome phrase that has nearly destroyed a republic: “But we have to do something!”

No, one doesn’t. There is a “right” and a “wrong.” One NEVER compromises on a wrong – or on “rights” that existed for mankind long before our Constitution gave them protection from abuse by government, such as the right to self-defense. No one has to “do something” to simply placate an opponent, particularly one who regards your principles as garbage or, in the case of the debt ceiling increase, feeds you false “debt default” fears. For some issues, there is no “common ground.” Even if one will be slandered by Democrat Media.

Republicans can start their rehabilitation by proclaiming firmly, loudly, and publicly, immediately after Joe Biden says, “The Second Amendment, like all other rights, is not absolute,” that Joe Biden is a detestable liar. ALL rights that God has given to man are absolute and therefore cannot be taken away by ANY government, no matter who thinks “change is good.” Our Founders stated so, emphatically. If you have a problem with that, Mr. Biden, we suggest you take it up with Him, the Originator. In the meantime, our Constitution is law. You want to change it? Amend it; there’s a process.

This is simply another opportunity for Democrats to complete a goal in their agenda of transformation and, tragically for the nation, some Republicans may help them get there. Many GOP leaders in Congress, the White House, and the states have done it in the past. Marxist-Democrats could not have gotten as far as they have in the last 50 years without help from weak Republicans who paved the way. Particularly in the last 16 months or during Covid.

There’s a need for drastic changes in the GOP.

And as for Democrats concerned over killers stalking easy targets… blame the depraved culture you created. That’s the perverted place where the shooters come from, not the NRA.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at

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