Identity Politics – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Heritage Foundation expert Mike Gonzalez defined the crisis in the Wall Street Journal: “Identity politics – the artificial segmentation of Americans into antagonistic groups organized along often imagined ethnic, racial and sexual categories – is tearing America apart.”

Last year, Gonzalez and Heritage helped the Trump administration stop an attempt by the U.S. Census Bureau to add another racial category to our census. Their action was part of an effort to roll back Obama administration policies still in place that support “efforts of special-interest ethnic identity groups to fracture our American identity, legally and culturally.” An ongoing plan by progressives to divide the American populace into disparate groups for political gain has been steadily advancing for decades, growing substantially during the years of the Obama Regime. Yet the Left objects in rage when the Census Bureau under Trump attempts to reinstate a question formerly found on the census form, asking immigration status, which was removed during Obama’s tenure.

Major gains in this ideological plan of the Left to drive wedges between Americans have been accomplished using the U.S. government education system. Our children are being indoctrinated to view their fellow Americans through a purely ideological lens. reported a recent case involving an Ohio middle school teacher who instructed his students to “rank 12 individuals,” who were described in the assignment by race, profession, gender, religion and sexual proclivity, by “who is most deserving to survive an apocalypse on Earth.” Included in the list of “potential survivors” were: “a racist, armed police officer who is accused of using excessive force”; “a militant African-American medical student”; “a 21-year-old female Muslim international student”; and “a homosexual male professional athlete.”

Our places of higher learning have been corrupted almost beyond belief. Now comes the assault on K-12 schools with Social Justice Math, Antifa-sympathetic teachers, antigun propaganda, the artificial construct of “white privilege” and “A stands for Activism.”

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