Democrat Dystopia – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

CNN hosted a five-hour town hall event, one hour each for five Democrat candidates for the party’s 2020 presidential nomination. It amounted to five painful hours of each candidate attempting to out-socialist the others. Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobouchar, Pete Buttigieg, and Elizabeth Warren each took their turn to up the ante for vote-buying in diverse identity groups.

There is no “free lunch” in reality, but in progressive fantasy land it’s available 24/7. The Green New Deal, Medicare for All, abandonment of the Electoral College, 70% taxes on “The Rich 1%,” unlimited border crossings for future voters, massive gun confiscation, etc., etc.; it was all there, even the ever-present Impeachment of Donald J. Trump. (They refrain from using the word “president” since he wasn’t the legitimate winner in 2016, helping the Russians steal the presidency from Hillary and all that.)

Rod Serling would have had plenty of ideas for Twilight Zone scenarios, had he been there. Just the science fiction of climate change fear would’ve inspired him.

CNN staffers could have offered unicorn rides in the parking lot to children of those attending the town hall. Of course, the kids would have had to wait until each 2020 Democrat presidential candidate took their turn on the mono-horned beasts.

If Democrats were to have their way (in their perfect world) and win in 2020, expect American prosperity under capitalism to wither and technological advancement to slow. With the crushing burden of the implementation of a Green New Deal alone, return to the Stone Age would be a short trip. Everyone might be expected to try out a reissue of the Fred Flintstone Flyer – powered by one’s own feet. No carbon tax applied and the entire structure biodegradable and recyclable!

The highlight of the five-hour ordeal was the “Rights Even for Terrible People” policy of Bernie Sanders, which would restore voting rights to convicted murderers, rapists, pedophiles, and even the Boston Marathon Bomber, while all still served their sentences.

So shouldn’t that have been “Rights Even for Terrorist People,” Bernie?

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