‘Googling’ Elections: A Big Tech Company Becomes the ‘Gatekeeper’ – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

The Internet was intended to be a system that did away with “gatekeepers.” Now that’s obsolete; the whole concept of an unbridled, open communication system no longer exists. Google, the largest of the Big Tech corporations and controller of over 90% of search traffic on the web, is now the Gatekeeper.

It is now known that Google modifies search results according to an agenda. One researcher (self-identified as a Democrat) declared that Google can sway as much as 15 million votes, and currently there are no laws or regulations to stop them.

A Google employee recently came forward and exposed Google’s methods for remaking the American electoral landscape. He revealed that Google is using its algorithms to “shape” what Americans see online, openly siding with Democrats to affect the outcome of the 2020 elections.

The “whistleblower,” interviewed earlier this year by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, stated: “What they’re really saying about ‘fairness’ is that they have to manipulate their search results so it gives them the political agenda that they want… they have to re-bias their algorithms so that they can… get their agenda across.”

Veritas’ video interview was posted on YouTube but lasted merely a few hours before it was taken down. Google’s algorithms are configured to suppress YouTube channels that violate Google’s agenda. The whistleblower interviewed by Veritas stated that, “…a lot of the content creators started to get demonetized and their videos started to get de-ranked.”

Jen Gennai, “Head of Responsible Innovation” at Google, admitted that Google would make certain that Donald Trump doesn’t win in 2020: “We’re also training our algorithms. Like, if 2016 happened again, would the outcome be different? People were not putting that line in the sand… that they were not saying what’s fair and what’s equitable so we’re like, well we are a big company; we’re going to say it.”

She said Google will attempt to affect the outcome of the 2020 election. When Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), a Democrat candidate for president in 2020, suggested breaking up Google, Gennai rebuffed her. “All these smaller companies who don’t have the same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next Trump situation. It’s, like, a small company cannot do that.” Google has the “resources” in lobbyists to make it “fair” and “equitable.” Google admits, through Gennai’s own words, that they plan to subvert the 2020 presidential election. This would be huge corporate election fraud; bigger than the favors Facebook did for Barack Obama in 2012 and Hillary Clinton in 2016, or what Twitter did last week by shutting down Sen. Mitch McConnell’s campaign account.

It seems that Big Tech is in league with the Deep State. Large data marketing companies want to shape your opinions and, ultimately, control how you vote, to determine the outcome of elections. A former Google employee readily admits, “Google wants Trump to lose in 2020.”

Power does corrupt, and progressive thought control on a massive scale corrupts completely. And it certainly can destroy a republic. Public opinion is now being steered by what is allowed to be seen and what is not. Google is the Gatekeeper.

Google has publicly stated that they feel the 2016 election was a mistake and they will take steps to “correct that misstep” in 2020. (Instead of the Russians…)

An accurate term already exists to describe Google’s plans for the 2020 election, and it’s very familiar: Hacking an election.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to www.vc-tpp.org or subscribe to the newsletter at hpnw.jimb@gmail.com.


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1 Comment on "‘Googling’ Elections: A Big Tech Company Becomes the ‘Gatekeeper’ – by Jim Bratten"

  1. Gatekeeper is right. One definition of that word on the UrbanDictionary:
    “When someone takes it upon themselves to decide who does or does not have access or rights to a community or identity.”

    Unless the people wake up it’s all over (and it probably already is.) State legislatures must require a change back to the paper method of the past when counting votes. But who’s going to lead that?

    People foolishly trust Google with their data, polls, news, android phones, email, map directions, comments, etc. It’s a dangerous “Orwellian” organization tracking everything they can about you. Get Google out of your lives as much as possible. (There are web pages and videos providing some solutions for doing that.)

    By the way, many Youtube channels report it is much more difficult to get their content published without getting shut down; Google is increasingly shutting down or not showing information easily by anyone discussing anything google doesn’t like. Those topics may include anti-vaccinations, natural food, Christianity, Israel, volcanoes, earthquakes, anti-abortion, questioning government lines about mass shootings (some of which seem to be faked), anti-(google, facebook, apple) etc. will often get strikes against content creators. While there is still a little opening for descent and information it is harder and harder to get information out.

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