Politicizing Sports: More Institutional Damage – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

The NFL has many progressives on their executive and upper management rosters, including several from the House of Clinton and the Obama Regime, so their move to embrace racial nonsense was predictable. Colin Kaepernick knelt to disrespect the flag and anthem and many players blindly followed him. NFL management told team owners to get in line or face consequences. Those who hesitated were handed over to Democrat Media for public ridicule and slander. Many NFL players tied their ignorance to Kaepernick’s perceived star power. NFL team owners’ fortunes suffered from millions of fans lost and billions of dollars in revenue gone.

Kaepernick’s carnival fizzled when his hatred became tiresome. He hadn’t worked for an NFL franchise in well over a year when the Nike folks felt sorry and hired him as a brand icon. He returned to the limelight with the “Betsy Ross Flag” incident.

The flag, emblazoned on a Nike shoe to honor Independence Day, was called “racist” by Kaepernick. Nike pulled the patriotic shoes with the flag and bowed to their star radical. Unfortunately, now Nike cannot stop the nonsensical political correctness that has infested its corporate ranks. It cannot go back to “business as usual” since its brand has become politicized. Nike accommodated Colin Kaepernick’s anti-Americanism and the popular myths concerning “police brutality,” just as it had man-made climate change and transgender activism.

Progressives have been gradually destroying “sports for sports’ sake” and corporations like Nike. One man’s depraved thoughts can influence an entire company and others who are gullible enough to treat him as a hero.

Women’s World Cup (soccer) has also been politicized, infested with progressivism just as the Olympic Games. And it’s not only the false perception of pay disparity – it’s disrespect for the nation the team represents, exhibited prominently, and not only in awards ceremonies. One remembers the effect the Black Power movement had at the Olympic Games in the 1970s.

As reported last year by Forbes, the “pay disparity” claims by members of the U.S. women’s soccer team were bogus. This distorted claim is used over and over again by the Left to achieve political gains, but it seldom works. Women’s World Cup soccer in 2010 grossed $73 million in revenue; the cut for female players was 13%. Men’s World Cup in 2012 grossed $4 billion; the cut for the male players was 9%. Since then, women’s soccer has somewhat closed the gap in revenue, but not on par with men’s soccer yet. “Fairness” has nothing to do with the perceived disparity problem. The market place is the market place; in questions of “equality,” the market decides. It’s not society’s fault or anybody’s fault. When women’s soccer increases revenue to the level of the men, it will also increase the players’ income. In the meantime, economically illiterate young people will get sucked into believing whatever the progressive press says. Facts don’t matter, since facts are now viewed as racist.

That politically-charged issue has died down with the women’s team, significantly damaging their reputation; but now that the “gender bias” is over, the radical sports destroyers have again turned to race.

The NBA recently became enamored with racism, refusing to use the term “owner” due to black players’ “nightmares” about slavery. Then the NBA was consumed with the Black Lives Matter nonsense, its courts displaying the words boldly on the court surfaces. Players are even allowed to display social justice mantras and the names of “victims” of “police brutality” on their uniforms.

The politicized NFL has followed the NBA. Even the Dallas Cowboys are now kneeling to disrespect our flag and anthem. NFL officials demand owners and coaches join players in debasing themselves with the BLM mantra and agenda, to the point of adding a “black national anthem.”

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to www.vc-tpp.org or subscribe to the newsletter at hpnw.jimb@gmail.com.

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1 Comment on "Politicizing Sports: More Institutional Damage – by Jim Bratten"

  1. Racism can come from many different ways, places, forms, but especially people.
    Our daughter is married to a man who calls me Dad and I call him, Son. They raised 3 beautiful girls with talent, smarts, the help of the church, and loved ones. I’m sure they had some issues from some, because they’re different. But then they went to Texas Universities and now I’m praying God brings them back as they learn life’s lessons.
    The 3 have turned on me for my rejection of their choosing to
    follow blm.
    I pray this evil lifestyle blm promotes is shown for the evil it truly is and shunned by the American Citizens. However, my fears may be realized. God help them and all Americans that have turned to this insidious evil that’s promoted in the progressive teachings of so many universities, and supported by taxpayers funds. Why hasn’t our government stopped these unconstitutional teachings of our nation’s youth in our State Universities?
    Now I turn to the world of Sports.
    Racism in sports teams has continued to grow beyond reasonable expectations since the firing of Howard Cossell. Yes, I’m a Senior and dating myself.
    Howard tried to share with the American people what he saw as possible then. It was considered such a racist statement that he was fired from his position as the best football commentator in the country.
    So, today I ask a similar question.
    Are the teams still racially unbalanced for the make-up of our country? Was he right when he suggested physical differences?
    Back in Howard’s days, teams were mostly unbalanced and the effort to correct them began.
    I’m not a statistics analyst. I’m told that Americans of Black heritage are about 14% of all races. So, are these professional sports teams within the same average of racial makeup? If not, why not?
    I remember that discussion was a big deal back in the 1960’s, but today I hear and see animus for racial injustice from the high dollar professional sports players who have more in life than most. I think, Really?
    I will not be watching the games this year. After taking the oath to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States of America 🇺🇸 from all enemies foreign and domestic numerous times in my life, what I’ve been witnessing for racial justice are Not peaceful protests.
    The hatred for America 🇺🇸, our Constitutional Republican government, and law enforcement has seemed like an all out attempt to overthrow it. From what I’ve heard from the leaders of blm, that’s exactly what they want to do!
    Why would Pro sports teams, players, and the organizations want to support this?
    Again, I sincerely hope that America 🇺🇸 people will remember what they have, what we are, what we want to be in the future, and continue to pray for God’s help in our country.
    Should these evil attempts to destroy our nation continue, and the progressive haters conspiring against it bring their Marxist communist Revolutionary techniques of overthrow to even more against our nation, it won’t be long before the rest of us say, loud and clear, Not My Country!
    We don’t need anyone to tell us that. It’s what and who we are. American Citizens.

    Help us God. Our nation needs You. Your Church needs Revival and the Great Awakening to follow. In Jesus name, amen.

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