In This Election, We Are Either Voting FOR America… or Against It

VOTE… Your freedom depends on it.

It really is that simple… and that serious.

The Narratives
We’re at ground zero of 2020. The Russian collusion ship never sailed. The failed impeachment is history. The propaganda dossier didn’t work. The panic pandemic is old hat. The George Floyd autopsy revealed fatal amounts of fentanyl. The mask mandates have become monotonous. The abortion clinics were deemed essential.

The Bully Base
Name-calling everyone a racist who doesn’t agree with you is now a widely known childish tantrum. And George Soros has funded the homeland terrorists to start a coup, rioting and looting in the streets, setting cities on fire, hoping to use such tactics to topple the nation.

The conservatives are the silent majority with many so silent that voter turnout for the last few elections is laughable. The Republican establishment has been largely ineffective. The true conservatives have been largely unrepresented. The RINOs steer the Republic ship into leftist ideologies without resistance.

The Socialist-Democrats want the total destruction of America, and they aren’t even smart enough to realize that they are voting to destroy their own rights along with everyone else’s. The moderate Democrats are voting the partly line despite the disdain in their hearts to do so. The Democrats who are fed up with the narrative are walking away from their party for good.

Third Parties
The Libertarians, Independents, and other third parties are well-beyond frustrated with the unfair and unequal two-party system. Meanwhile, some Libertarians are turning out to be far more conservative on every issue than the Republican establishment politicians, and because of this, conservatives are crossing the party line en masse.

Lifelong Democrats and lifelong Republicans are fed up with the lack of real representation from their parties, and many have chosen not to even bother to vote. Every day on social media, conversations erupt, stating that both parties are corrupt and do not really represent the people. While the Republican base seems soft on the issues and the resolve thereof, the Democrat base has gone so Socialist that it no longer represents the party it once was.

Outside influences such as Russia, China, the United Nations, and billionaires like George Soros continue to initiate, drive, and fund movements within and against the U.S. which would undermine our Constitution and weaken the nation on the world scene as a whole.

The Partisan Press
Mainstream Media is literally and entirely owned by anti-American, anti-Constitutional leftists, Socialists, Democrats, and billionaires with agendas which would eventually cause the U.S. to fully submit its government to the U.N. once and for all.

Election Tampering
Big Tech entities such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are censoring conservative sites, articles, posts, and videos, claiming false information, oppressing our rights to freedom of speech every single day. And Google has attempted to do exactly what Google executives said they would do in a Veritas whistle blower video, “Google wants Trump to lose in 2020.” “Google will attempt to affect the outcome of the 2020 election.”

Alphabet Soup
The topmost governmental alphabet soup of abbreviations have all been compromised by the Deep State/Shadow Government. Many of these compromises have been front and center since the Obama regime. The FBI, DOJ, CIA, CDC, NSA, IRS, and many more have been filled with individuals who, for allegiance to UN agendas (of one-world-government) against the U.S., would sooner violate their oath of office to protect the Constitution of the United States, and to preserve this nation than to prevent the fall of America.

Training the Blue Base
Schools are filled to the full with socialist psychological, mental, moral and emotional programming. History classes speak of nothing but the evils of the white man, racism, segregation, women’s suffrage, immigration, social justice activism and decidedly Democratic political talking points. Ignoring the origin of racism and segregation from the Democrat party throughout America’s history, the conservative is painted as the source of all evil. Literally, almost no good thing that the white man or the conservatives have ever done since the founding of this nation is taught or celebrated.

Education is spun in such a way that highlights progressive heroism and demonizes ideologies which do not match the leftist agenda. And students have no defense for the onslaught of influence designed to breed a massive blue wave of (pseudo) social justice activists which would continue to fill the streets with rioters and affect elections for the next several decades.

It’s Do or Die
A coup has been orchestrated against America and its people. Outside sources are pulling the strings of the attack. The Deep State within the highest levels of government are colluding with those who wish to destroy this nation. The biggest influencers of our country (Hollywood, Mainstream Media, Social Media) are all colluding with those who wish to destroy this nation. The Socialists who wish to destroy this country have taken over the Democrat party. Our country is under attack. Our sovereignty is under attack. Our freedom is under attack. Our rights are under attack. And half the voters in this country are falling for the deception. Therefore, it’s do or die. And clearly, time is running out.

Either we get out there and vote FOR America or we are essentially voting AGAINST it. VOTE! Or you may not have the right to do so in the future.

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1 Comment on "In This Election, We Are Either Voting FOR America… or Against It"

  1. Right On! Everything you wrote is Right on. Truth and Justice is the American way, but the left is destroying our way of life.
    Thanks for your report.

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