‘Shut Up and Move On’ …Or Else – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

There’s a reason businesses and retail stores boarded up their windows and doors with plywood, sheet metal and iron grids days before the November 3 election. In Washington, DC and other large cities, business owners installed defensive measures against an expected surge of enraged Biden voters who would riot, pillage, and burn if Democrat Joe Biden lost.

Don’t believe what your own eyes witnessed in Portland, Seattle, and elsewhere as the thugs of Antifa and Black Lives Matter burned police cars and looted businesses. Believe Portland mayor Ted Wheeler: It’s “white supremacists” doing this, not enraged radicals paid by Democrat donors and George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and its offshoots.

The Left has their own view of “what should be” in their socialist utopia. And everyone will be forced to comply with the rules of this new reality under Biden.

Normally, in Red States, when counting stops it means a winner is declared. Not in Blue States; counting stops to find more votes to reach their objective: a win for their candidate. In this election, the rabid Left added the phrase, “at all costs.”

Democrats had virtually no grassroots Get Out the Vote (GOTV) efforts in four “swing” states; only Democrat surrogates working under the cover of darkness, busy constructing a win for Joe Biden.

In those four swing states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia, the “at all costs” states, vote counting was shut down at the same time: 1:00 a.m. The counting resumed for all four states at roughly 4:00 a.m., after “found” ballots were delivered by Democrat vote harvesters. Joe Biden’s campaign was able to make up substantial vote total differences in four states, all with no GOTV effort. That’s unprecedented for a Democrat campaign. But why contact potential voters door-to-door, or by phone bank, when millions of ballots can be manufactured by relatively few activists, delivered as necessary to turn the election in Biden’s favor?

American Democrat-Socialists are neo-Marxists and fascists in ideology, more dangerous to the survival of our republic than many foreign foes we face as a nation. They seek to conquer from within to destroy the republic they detest and shred the Constitution they despise as a hindrance.

The Left targets those who bring charges against them, destroying their accuser’s character and reputation. Judges and witnesses to election fraud are being threatened to remain silent. They are afraid to rule favorably on lawsuits brought by the Trump campaign or to speak publicly. This includes the Supreme Court justices who declined to even hear the Texas attorney general’s case, joined by 18 states, ruling “no standing.” Texas and the other states followed constitutional law; the four states named in the suit did not.

Some Democrats threaten intimidation and violence if Biden’s election fails. As Judicial Watch reported, the Transition Integrity Project (TIP) warned of alarming “defiance of the popular vote” in their report, Preventing a Disputed Presidential Election and Transition. They warned that villainous Donald Trump may “contest the result by both legal and extra-legal means, in an attempt to hold on to power.”

After pages of Trump-bashing, calling him a violent racist and democracy-stealing criminal, the TIP report says fight a contested election in the streets, not in the courts. They are prepared; their thugs have been practicing in major Democrat-controlled cities all summer.

If you’re smart, shut up and move on.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to www.vc-tpp.org or subscribe to the newsletter at hpnw.jimb@gmail.com.

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1 Comment on "‘Shut Up and Move On’ …Or Else – by Jim Bratten"

  1. Good as always Jim

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