The Last? Electors Cast Votes Today – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

It’s ironic that the country, judging by votes in local races and Republican gains in Nancy’s House, is moving right, becoming more conservative. But the presidency under Joe Biden will veer left – hard left. So why the discrepancy, down-ballot for Trump and top of the ballot for Biden?

This is the highest tally ever for a sitting president, 74 million votes for Donald Trump; yet he’s beaten by an onset-dementia 78-year-old living in his basement, needing a prompter to speak, denying interviews with the media, hiding from a record of lecherous behavior and sullied by family “dirty laundry” in Ukraine, Russia, and, particularly, Communist China. Incomprehensible? Yes, if judged by previous elections. But in this election, only Joe Biden’s name was used; he really didn’t need to show up. The objective is to seat an obedient Kamala Harris in the White House.

Joe Biden did worse than Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton regarding minority votes. Donald Trump doubled his share of black votes and increased his votes from Latinos, Asians, and other minorities substantially. Just by these factors, it was impossible for Biden to win. He only did well in the certain key metropolitan cities where Democrats could engineer a win. With this election steal, Democrats have disenfranchised most of the country’s voters, minority voters included.

President Donald Trump increased his count by nearly 20% over 2016, or 11 million votes. Joe Biden did poorly across the nation with no uniform increase – except where it mattered, in five critical “swing states” where enough votes could be created to steal the election from Trump: Nevada, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Biden did worse than Hillary Clinton, except in four large, Democrat-controlled cities within those states: Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia. Trump won Wisconsin, except Milwaukee; he took Michigan, except Detroit; he conquered Pennsylvania, except for Philadelphia and Pittsburgh; and he won Georgia, except for Atlanta.

Progressive politicians used the Wuhan virus to consolidate power by deceiving voters. With the advent of the virus in March, Democrat operatives launched a plan to use it in the election. Over 300 lawyers descended on states over the summer (add to that number another 60 from the Biden campaign), to change state election laws to establish earlier vote submission dates, same-day registration, extended deadlines to vote and the massive use of mail-in ballots. Also included in the demands to rig the game was the end of state voter ID laws.

“Swing states” visited by the Democrats’ attorneys have legislatures controlled by Republicans: Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Legislators in these states, however, allowed illegal election law changes, outside the legislative process, violating state constitutions and, in some cases, the federal Constitution. The result, as intended, was to allow massive voter fraud. Without faux ballots, election success for Biden is implausible; statistical and procedural anomalies exist everywhere.

As of December 7, 222 Republican congressmen have stated they are not recognizing Biden’s election “victory.” But what are they going to DO about it?

If Republicans allow this to stand, the Democrats have effectively killed future elections by precedent. Republicans will never win another election if massive voter fraud wins. A minority political party will have achieved power in order to advance a one-party state. Democrats didn’t dominate the country – they dominated corruption and owned the will to win.

If supplicant Republicans hand over our republic to an authoritarian regime because they couldn’t “keep it,” Founder Ben Franklin will be sobbing for his beloved nation, twisting in his grave.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at

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