At Any Cost: Destroying Lives, Dividing People… & Cheating – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Barack Obama is smiling and its not because Joe is in the White House. Since his essentially unopposed wins in 2008 and 2012, and after eight years of his transformation plan, he still pulls strings behind the curtain. Untouched by frightened Republicans, the Saul Alinsky apparatchik has succeeded in politicizing most of the federal agencies under executive branch control; weaponizing the State Department, Department of Defense, IRS, CIA, FBI, DOJ, the office of DNI (Director of National Intelligence), and all the sub-agencies under their purview. The transformation was well underway; radically un-American policies in place and ready to expand. Then came Donald Trump’s victory in 2016.

Under Obama’s administration, the country was intentionally divided––by class, income, religion, sex and, above all, race. Yet Democrats have, for five years, accused President Trump of doing exactly what Democrats had already achieved, a divided nation. Trump has actually united a large portion of it, as seen by the gain of 11 million votes over his 2016 count––and an unheard of total of roughly 75 million votes cast for the GOP presidential candidate.

With no evidence whatsoever, a sitting president had been framed, publicly pilloried and harassed by the media in the U.S. and other countries in the West, and cursed by endless threats, spies within his administration, a thoroughly disloyal bureaucracy, and two unconstitutional impeachments.

Trump’s family and business associates were threatened and harassed by federal and state agencies, his financial history scrutinized and crimes inferred, concocted and invented. Even though he’s left office through a fraudulent election, the hatred that launched the coup and powered it for five years is still incendiary. And Democrats and their media comrades have permanently infected the “opposition party” with the fear of contesting an election.

George Soros’ and Barack Obama’s plans, to influence local elections by salting local races with progressive candidates, are advancing with the help of Eric Holder. Early in 2016, Soros gave $1.5 million to the Democrat candidate running for district attorney in Los Angeles. Kim Foxx, a city attorney in Chicago reviled for her inept handling of the Jussie Smollett hoax, received $400,000 from George Soros for her last election. (The Obamas are her close friends.) Attorneys general, state prosecutors, local and state DAs, city attorneys––all of these are fair game for political ends.

Anything was conceivable if it removed Donald Trump from office. The destruction of the American economy with 30-40 million Americans unemployed and thousands of lives lost to a Communist Chinese virus that was used for political gain––every goal achieved has its human cost. If the sacrifice gives American progressives (an amalgam of Maoists, neo-Marxists and other communists, neo-fascists, socialists, and anarchists) the radically authoritarian transformation they seek, any method, no matter how diabolical, is worth it. “America as Founded” transformed into “America Reimagined” is the objective.

Democrats want to control “the people,” and are willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish that. No fraudulent method or corrupt strategy is out of the question. Pitting minority groups and identity classifications against each other is standard operating procedure. They’ve been using black and Latino Americans this way for decades. Black power advocate and member of the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X once warned black Americans, “It’s the white liberals we need to be wary about.”

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at

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3 Comments on "At Any Cost: Destroying Lives, Dividing People… & Cheating – by Jim Bratten"

  1. This is RIGHT ON THE MONEY!!
    I’m tired of reading tippy toe around the truth of what is actually happening. It’s way past time for truth to be told to American Citizens. Most know what they see, but nobody is explaining what they know.
    I applaud you on this report.
    Thank God for someone who is willing to share it!

  2. Good report

    A paid program by Mike Lindell is on OANN.
    Election Nov 3rd was stolen by foreign and domestic enemies.
    Here’s evidence

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