Double Standards – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

There’s an old adage that says, “If it wasn’t for double standards, Democrats would have no standards at all.” That saying has evolved over the last few decades to include both political parties.

As seen on before its execution by Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Google, and Amazon was this question: “If one death in 10,000 is enough to shut down an entire country, why wouldn’t one fraudulent vote in 10,000 shut down an election?” Answer: “Double standards.”

There has to be ONE standard, not an exception for special cases of impending Democrat election disaster. In the Swamp however, that concept doesn’t exist.

Of course, to implement “one standard,” there have to be objections based on testimony and actual evidence, and people willing to stand up and provide these. Citizens of voting age with a working conscience have to object, expose the double standard, and refuse to comply.

There were multiple examples in the presidential election of 2020, over a thousand affidavits, and evidence of a massive coordination of law-breaking, exposing the possibility of a vast conspiracy. Yet no leaders in the Republican Party were willing to stand up to defend the electoral system of our republic by calling for enforcement of state election laws, because of–-a double standard for Trump.

Republican Senator Josh Hawley took a stand on December 30, announcing that he objected to the certification. The first-term Missouri senator was the first to raise his hand publicly against the stolen election, stating that the election was rigged to elect Joe Biden in several key states by actions that were patently fraudulent and widespread.

Senator Ted Cruz and ten other Republican senators stood to object to the Electoral College certification of Joe Biden as president-elect, announcing this on January 2. These twelve Republican senators, joined by 140 in the House, were the only Republicans in Congress to object to the most massive case of election fraud in U.S. history. They were threatened with censure and expulsion. GOP leadership chose the double standard.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at

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3 Comments on "Double Standards – by Jim Bratten"

  1. ABSOLUTE PROOF – a 2 hour paid program by Mike Lindell has evidence that our election was stolen by foreign and domestic enemies. This is a must see program.
    Then, please share it

  2. OANN allowed Mike Lindell to pay for his program
    Sorry I missed that. OANN, please watch ABSOLUTE PROOF.

  3. Okay it’s a Saturday morning and I messed up with the title of Lindell program.


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