“Where Did All the Children Go?”: Part 10 – by Charlotte Martin

Charlotte Martin

If you have watched hoarder shows, you have likely seen those where people take in animals to “take care of them”. The animal hoarders always seem shocked when cleaners start pulling out dead animals from beneath a pile of rubble in their home. They never know exactly how many animals they have. Nor do they know how many are sick, and they do not know how many have died. That is the same way it has been with our Cabinet for “Protection” of Children and Families for the past couple of decades.

They do not know how many children died in foster care or adoptive homes, after they took them away from their parents. They do not have a clue how many were sexually and physically abused in one foster care home after another. They only know there are a lot.

They do not have a clue how many have to be heavily medicated to cope with the anger, grief, and debilitating despair from being taken away from their entire families and the only home they ever felt safe in.

They have no idea how many were placed in scream rooms in the homes of foster parents who could not tolerate hearing the children scream and cry for their own parents. They have no idea how many ran away from foster care and went missing, never to be seen or heard from again.

They have no idea how many were sex-trafficked or sold to rich princes or billionaires in other countries, who will pay up to $500,000 for the “right kind” of child. They have no idea how many were excessively restrained in foster care. They just plain don’t know.

Even if they knew, there is no one accountable for the damage that was done to America’s families and children. No one will ever know, because it has gone on for so long, and even if they WOULD dare to ever allow confidential case files to be examined, it would take countless years to review them because Clinton, Bush and Obama have taken tens of millions of children away from America’s parents.

CASA volunteers and child psychologists may feel that the child seems to be doing okay in foster care but may have NO IDEA if the child would have done just as well or have been better off, if they had been left with their own families. Unable to foresee and predict the future, they have no idea if the foster child may be kicked to the streets when the check stops coming when the child turns 18.

Children are now staying at home with their parents until they are 25 to 30 years old. That is not the case with children in foster care. They typically become homeless as soon as the foster parents lose their paychecks. Some find their way back to their biological parents, who welcome them with open arms, after being kicked to the streets by foster parents.

The only thing that is certain is that taxpayers paid billions to trillions of dollars for America’s families to be torn apart. A small fraction of that would have been spent keeping families together. The government played you then, and the government is playing you now.

They pay $4,000 for every child that they can claim is abused or neglected. (And NOW they pay $13,000 for every death that they can claim as “Covid-Related”, even if it is your 99-year-old grandfather who was already dying in a nursing home or hospice care from a completely different medical condition.)

(If $4,000 had been paid for every child that could have been kept with parents, there would have been very few children taken away from their parents. Then taxpayers would not have had to pay hundreds of thousands of additional dollars for each one of hundreds of thousands to millions of children for foster care, court costs, etc.).

Children were often taken away from parents due to their electricity being shut off over a hundred-dollar unpaid utility bill! Or not having enough food in the house! I would imagine that if the federal government had paid $13,000 every time a nursing home resident with Covid lived, there would also be far fewer Covid deaths.

Next question: Where are all the children going? Where are all these children going that have come to America “alone”? During a “deadly pandemic” that is “so incredibly deadly” that the government has not allowed America’s children to attend school, even if they are kept six feet apart. What in the world do they plan to do with all these new arrivals? For now, they are cramming them like sardines in shipping containers. If what I read is true, it is the same thing happening to children who have been taken away from parents during this pandemic, and they cannot find enough foster care homes, so they are crammed into CPS offices waiting for a “forever home”.

Where are all these sex-trafficked children going that are being rescued in droves? (Thanks to President Trump who started investigating sex-trafficking of children in foster care.)

Years ago, I saw a cartoon in the newspaper that showed parents bringing their children to America after fleeing bad governments, and someone had put a sign up at the border that read, “Have you seen the way OUR GOVERNMENT treats children?”.

Nothing has changed, insofar as the way career politicians treat children, since the days of the Orphan Trains. Democrat-Socialist politicians in New York gathered up all the blacks, immigrants and poor white children that they could find playing outside their homes and rushed them onto the “Orphan Trains” before their parents would realize they were missing. I have never been able to find out if they even bothered to send any adults with them to tend to their needs, or even if they provided them with food or water.

Elite New Yorkers agreed that they MUST get those poor children as far away as they could from New York, so most were dropped off in the Midwest. Elite New Yorkers “simply knew” that those poor children would grow up to be robbers and murderers to interfere with their elections. Therefore, they MUST get rid of them.

Nothing has changed with elite career politicians. The only thing that has changed is the fact that they NEED all these immigrants coming here illegally to send to Texas. Texas is “purple” now on the Covid scale, but if they send enough immigrants there, they can turn Texas “blue”. California and New York are already “blue”, and if they turn Texas “blue”, they will have full control over our lives from here on out.

I’m pretty sure when Biden said, “I need you”, most of us knew that it is all of these immigrants who are coming here illegally that he needs. He does not need me or 75,000,000 other like-minded Americans. We are the last thing he “needs”. Only those with an IQ the same as the speed limit, would believe that elite career politicians, elite celebrities and elite New Yorkers care what happens to children, whether they are children of American parents or children of illegal immigrants. They do not care what happens to them now, or what will happen to them once they become young adults unless it is to their benefit financially or politically.

I will give you a scenario that you likely have never even considered. I would not have thought about it either, except for the fact that I found myself faced with having to think about it. When my son turned 17, I realized that he would perhaps begin dating soon, perhaps fall in love, get married and have children after he turned 18. In a perfect world, that is the sequence in which those milestones would be reached. It was only then that it hit me like a ton of bricks! OMG! Sometimes opposites are attracted to each other, but just as often, people are more attracted to others with appearances similar to their own.

My adopted son was left with my mom and me when he was a 5-day-old baby. His biological mother was in and out of prison. I first got temporary custody with authorization from his biological mother and father. Later I was awarded temporary custody by the court. Eventually, I was granted sole custody by the court. I allowed the biological mother to spend a two-day furlough in our home, as well as her daughter who was two years older than my son. They looked alike enough that others may have believed they were twins.

My adopted son’s sister was placed in foster care and adopted by the foster parents. He also had a brother and sister who had been placed in a different foster care home, and they were also adopted by their foster parents. All of the siblings lived within a 30-mile radius from our house. My son and I often go to events that are held at the riverfront and see as many people from nearby counties as local people.

My son made a confession to me one day as one might make at a confessional, as if he believed he had sinned. He confessed that even though he knows I hope for him to find a Christian girl with a good heart, that he likes “pretty girls”. I asked him to define “pretty girls”. He said it did not matter if their hair was red, brown, black or blonde or what color their eyes were, but he thinks the prettiest girls are those who wear glasses, and no make-up. He likes it when they pull their hair back in a ponytail but have little pieces of hair that fall around their face. That meant that if his sisters wore glasses, no makeup, and wore their hair in a ponytail, that he could feel a physical attraction for them and not even know they were his biological sisters, if he ever ran into them at the riverfront.

The thought was horrifying that this could happen! God only knows how many times this may have already happened across America, with tens of millions of children taken away from parents and placed in foster care and then adopted, so they no longer have the same last names!

Clinton said we got “two for the price of one”. Two morons who did not think this through when they got the federal government to pay $4,000 for EVERY CHILD that could be taken away from parents and adopted out. It was their dang jobs to think through this – that there could be many children born to incest!

Corrupt career politicians DO NOT CARE ABOUT what happens to children. They cared only that their $4,000 deal made Clinton’s good friend Gov. Jerry Brown billions of dollars “for California”. We know that Clinton’s good friend Jeffrey Epstein helped set up the Clinton Foundation, but we can only wonder if Brown also helped with the Clinton Foundation. All Brown had to do was to put quotas on how many children HAD TO BE TAKEN AWAY from parents living in poverty in California, and let social workers, social worker supervisors, Guardian Ad Litems and judges do the dirty work (if they wanted to keep their jobs).

If you have not looked at “The Corrupt Business of Child Welfare” by Senator Nancy Schaefer, you should, if you care about America’s children. Of course, there are hundreds of newer investigative reports that also reveal that depending on the governor in individual states, that 20% to as many as 80% of children in foster care NEVER should have been taken away from parents. They are ten to twenty times more likely to be sexually and physically abused and to die in foster care.

It is so crazy beyond being believable that Biden has selected Rachel Levine as Secretary of Health. I think I am supposed to call her a “she” – if so, “she” has already said that they are gladly allowing “street kids” to become transgender. “Street kids” are those who were taken away from parents and ran away from foster care.

Biden says his first priority is stopping all the old people from dying from Covid. He is supposed to work for us! Why did he put dying old people as a top priority when so many children are being sex trafficked and are dying at an alarming rate in foster care? At least, old people are not being sex-trafficked. And in a pandemic that is so “INCREDIBLY DEADLY” to old people in nursing homes, 380,000 people died in nursing homes in 2019, and that number DROPPED to 365,000 in 2020. If you believe that Biden can keep us old people safe, and all these immigrant children safe, when he has not been able to keep America’s children safe after working in government for 47 years, well… bless your gullible little heart.

Dear God, I pray for you to take these corrupt and evil people out of our government offices and replace them with righteous people before America is TOTALLY DESTROYED. And turn this “DARK WINTER” that Biden promised, into brighter days ahead. Dear Lord, send your angels to protect President Trump and those working with him as he continues to drain the swamp, without pay, and the work he started with those brave people who continue to rescue sex-trafficked children from evil demonic forces. God help America’s children, as well as all children. And God, restore our freedoms in America that our brothers, sisters, fathers, grandfathers and ancestors gave their lives to protect, that evil people have taken away from us. Get those masks off those children and let them breathe. Let us breathe the air that you gave us to breathe, so that we may have life. In the name of Jesus, I pray.

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1 Comment on "“Where Did All the Children Go?”: Part 10 – by Charlotte Martin"

  1. Awesome thanks for sharing your thoughts.
    Very insightful and helpful to read so spot on for the offspring of foster children.

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