Joe’s Big Speech: Promoting An Alternate Reality – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

“I came to talk about crisis and opportunity…choosing hope over fear…truth over lies…light over darkness.” Reverse each of those pronouncements by alleged president Joe Biden in his speech last week and you’ll be closer to the Left’s intentions. They place fear over hope, lies over truth, and darkness over light. Leftists stifle opportunity, deny truth, and extinguish light and hope. It’s all Joe knows.

Biden gave a canned presentation of decades-old, well-worn progressive propaganda that has not aged well; policies that have always failed when implemented. The message is rancid, but neo-Marxists in the new Democrat-Socialist Party continue to present it as wholesome and nourishing to the body politic when, in actuality, if implemented in full it will be fatal to a once vibrant republic and prosperous economy.

Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas has heard it all, ad nauseam. He fought to stave off the effects of boredom, dozing off several times during the familiar declaration of the Democrats’ neo-Marxist “alternate reality” and their tired denouncement of American exceptionalism. Many have said the speech was the worst address before Congress they had ever seen. Still, repetition of the Big Lie remains insulting. Most Americans avoided the snooze fest; Biden’s speech only reached 22 million. Comparatively, President Trump’s first address to Congress pulled in 48 million.

As is his habit, Biden again borrowed (plagiarized) lines from others and stole several from President Donald Trump, particularly Trump’s “Made in America” slogans and ideas, emphasizing American products and American jobs. “Buy American… doesn’t violate any trade agreement,” claims Joe—today. For more than four years, Biden denounced all of that.

Joe’s three big spending plans, totaling $6 trillion “within my first 100 days,” is unprecedented, and not in a good way. It will be disastrous for the country, our economy, and our way of life.

He declared the old progressive mantra once more—“health care should be a right, not a privilege, in America.” Then he revealed his way to pay for it: massive tax increases. “The wealthiest one percent has to pay their fair share” to “pay for public benefits.” Joe said he wants to “reward work, not just wealth,” then stated he wants to raise the top tax rate back to 39.6%—but “I’m not looking to punish anybody.”

Biden exhibited his usual mental gymnastics in the speech. “We have to catch up,” he claimed, speaking of our economic competitiveness among other countries. Then he said that China and other nations are “closing in on us.” This implies we’re ahead, but Joe said moments earlier that “we have to catch up.” Which is it? And how can Joe say, “We have to come together,” when he calls 65% of the nation racist? He said, “I’d like to meet those whose ideas are different.” What a crock; the Biden Regime, as with Obama’s prior, has no time for those who disagree with their agenda or conflict with their ideology.

“The most, most lethal threat to America today…white supremacy is terrorism,” Joe warned, ignoring the real threats: Communist China, Islamist Iran, a remilitarized Russia and, most of all, our growing internal neo-Marxist, Antifa/BLM insurgency.

Joe promised to “root out” the “systemic racism” in our police forces that “plagues America,” then launched into divisive Democrat identity politics issues.

Calling “gun violence” a “pandemic in America,” he denounced “ghost guns” and high-capacity magazines “that can hold 100 rounds…” He taunted sarcastically, “What do you think, deer wear Kevlar vests?”

Slamming the Second Amendment, Biden again issued the ignorant comment that proves he has no understanding of our Constitution: “No amendment to the Constitution is absolute.” He assured us that, “We’re not changing the Constitution, we’re being reasonable.”

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at

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1 Comment on "Joe’s Big Speech: Promoting An Alternate Reality – by Jim Bratten"

  1. This horror movie has come home. We are witnesses to the overthrow of our duly elected government, and now the communists are not holding back. This is a full time, 100%, in our face takeover. American Citizens are not the type to do what we are going to have to do very soon. It’s not in our nature to see what they are doing and actually believe it’s happening.
    Well, we better get together and see it soon. If we don’t, it might be too late to stop it.
    I’ve come to see that’s what they want. It’s why they fenced themselves in and surrounded their lives with soldiers.
    They’re going to bankrupt the treasury with payoffs to their campaign donors. They are planning to award our enemies with the keys to the country.
    These evil people used the communist CCP to steal our election system, and they know it. They are compromised by their previous payola from the same.
    Yes, we are entering our demise and we better wake up or this fight will get very ugly.
    Wake up American Citizens!!
    Wake up!!

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